The cost of Placenta Encapsulation is primarily based on 2 factors:

1. Location
2. The Placenta Specialist themselves!

Typically, you will find a higher average price for services in high-population areas like the city, rather than more rural areas. However, in some rural areas, where there is only 1 or 2 people providing this particular service, the price could actually be higher than average, since there are no other options (or competition) nearby.

Placenta Encapsulation Pricing

The 2nd factor that determines pricing is more unique to the Professional and involves several considerations, including:

1. Training & Certifications
2. Experience
3. Where the Placenta is Processed (in your Home vs in their Workspace)

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Certifications & Training

It is imperative that you choose a Placenta Specialist who has been thoroughly Trained and officially Certified! I cannot emphasize this point enough! Hiring a professional who has only watched their friend do it, or has only watched some YouTube videos about it, is not a safe choice. You may think that kind of thing never happens but you would be surprised! Unfortunately, there are people who have learned how to process a Placenta through some type of unofficial 3rd party, but still feel that they are 100% capable of providing safe Encapsulation services. While these people may offer a lower cost for services, it is a risk you should never take.

Placenta Encapsulation Pricing & Training

Most Placenta certification companies require several hours of reading, research, assignments, videos, and the passing score of a final Test before an official Certificate is granted. This is no small feat and requires a considerable commitment of time and energy. But this type of thorough training is the best way to ensure that those of us who provide Placenta Encapsulation services to the public, have been properly trained in safety and methodology!

In addition to having a Placenta Encapsulation Certificate, the professional that you hire must have 2 more types of important certifications. The first is a safe food handling certification that teaches such things as how to avoid cross-contamination how to protect against bacterial contamination. The most widely used company for this type of training is ServSafe. They offer this type of certification for any professional that will be working with food intended for the public. This Certificate must be renewed every year, so when you are checking your Placenta Professional’s credentials make sure to check that their ServSafe Certificate is up-to-date. Finally, 1 last certification is required…the “Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control for Placenta Encapsulators” Certificate. This training goes into detail about the most common bacterial and viral threats to the medical field and how to best clean, sanitize, and disinfect all contact areas. This Certificate also requires annual renewal and is solely offered by the company, Biologix.

A fully trained and certified Placenta Professional will, and should, charge more for Placenta Services than someone who isn’t. Being fully trained & certified means that you are an expert in your field and should charge accordingly.


Experience is important for every business…as a Placenta Professional becomes more experienced, their skill level, confidence, and price-point will increase. Placenta Specialists who are newly certified and just starting out will often offer a discounted rate for their services until they feel they have gained more experience. On the other hand, a Placenta Professional with an established name in the local industry and years of experience may be able to get away with higher-than-average prices simply because people are often willing to pay a little more for “the best”. However, most experienced Placenta Specialists tend to stay within the local area’s average for pricing.

Where the Placenta is Processed

Most Placenta certification companies train their students on the Pros and Cons of working in the Client’s home vs in your own workspace, and allow the Professional to decide. However, there is at least 1 Placenta training company that used to, and may still, require all of their certified Placenta Specialists to process the Placenta in the Client’s home, no exceptions. The purpose behind this type of training is for safety, the Professional’s safety and the Client’s. But this method also requires that the Client provide all of the equipment and materials needed for Encapsulation. Although most Placenta Professionals feel that working in the Client’s home is inconvenient and invasive, there are some that still advocate for, and only offer this method. Since the Client would have to provide all of the equipment and materials needed, it stands to reason that a Placenta Professional who, is only providing services in their client’s homes, would charge less than average. However, do not expect this discount to be considerably less since most Professionals charge according to the hours spent driving, cleaning, disinfecting, and processing, rather than the cost of equipment.

Average Cost for Encapsulation

The most common price-point, for basic Placenta Encapsulation, in the United States is about $250. There are those who charge less, closer to $200, and those who charge more, closer to $300, but $250 is the average price. Add-on services such as Tinctures, Smoothies, and Salves typically cost extra, unless bundled together with Encapsulation to create Service Packages at different price-points. Add-on services can range in price greatly depending, again, on location and the Professional you choose. It is best to do your research, talk to a few options, and find the Professional who you most connect with!

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